
Anika Burton
Dancer, choreographer and yoga teacher.

She starts to study dance at 6 years old. With a strong professional formation in classical ballet an contemporary dance.

Her deep connection for the Japanese culture and the constant rediscovering of the body, like the expression of the spirit, led her to study and to dance professionally Butoh dance. And in parallel to explore, to study and to practice others oriental techniques of movement an meditation. Training Qi Gong, Bioenergy, Yoga, Wushu, Tao Yin system and Haidong Gumdo among others. 

The study of vital energy (or Qi) becomes a fundamental pillar in her life, both artistic and everyday life. Focusing her professional career as a dancer, in the study of "being", of the vital energy (Qi) and the internal movement (active meditation). Including it during her Yoga classes and practice.

Since 2005 she became an independent dancer, teacher and choreographer.
Developing her own methodology of energetic and scenic work. LifExpression Butoh movement or Ki dance, is based on her trajectory and experiences, a methodology that she considers alive and in continuous enrichment. She has been teaching for more than 15 years, she teaches dance, yoga  and active meditation. And she teaches courses and seminars, for groups of adults or young people; she also gives individual and personalized energetic balance sessions...
"To sustain the innate harmony of the body-mind, where the spirit is capable of living and expressing itself in a integral, present and freeway"

About LifExpression Butoh movement: 

It´s a dance, which open your state of consciousness, has an articulate and energetic training that prepare and release the physical body-mind. It transport you to a meditative space alive and present. To connect you to your Qi or vital energy from your Hara or energetic center, where you can rethink any mental or emotional limit.
A inner observation; The active meditation, understood as a place of connection with your Soul, with that Emptiness where is everything. That space of dance and expression by itself, beyond any human mental construction. A place to bring all our attention to the present moment, to the language of the physical sensations and to generate an active, present and alive listening.

That energetic and joins training unlocks and frees the body-mind of any memory, re-harmonizing it. It balance the vital energy flow through the meridians. Recovering vitality, inspiration and uniqueness. By activating the main energy centers (Hara, heart...) and energy plans and fields (physical, astral, spiritual...) everything is realigned. 
Bitoh dance also use images, routes and small guidelines that serve aas a guide and impulse to explore the inner dialogue, finding a possible way of a direct communication with the spirit and the concept of "Being". Allowing in the now, a dance appear with an spontaneous movement and free of any learned habits. Like an active meditation in movement and in Silence.
A dance beyond the forms (ki dance).

About my work:

I base my work and performances on the exploration "of the being aware". To cross any limit and touch the true nature of the freedom of a free body. A dance suspended in the emptiness, where from this magic connection with the essence “everything is possible "...

I dance to feel my real deep inside.

I dance to remember who I am.

…It´s my soul who wants to express without limits;
in a free body living the experience to be here now...
To share with you myself…
                                                                        Anika Burton

                                                                        Main activity of Anika Burton
  • Ballet and Barre training Seville
  • Yoga power Seville
  • Lugares Naitual Project LifExpression Butoh dance, Spain 
  • Akinart Studio art and creativity 
  • Ballet and Barre training Seville
  • Yoga power and Qigong Seville 

  • Akinart Studio art and creativity
  • Lugares Naitual LifExpression Butoh project
  • Ballet training, yoga power vinyasa and Kidance, Seville
  • Lugares Naitual LifExpression Butoh project.
  • Kidance, Qi gong Seville
  • Yoga power vinyasa Seville
  • Black belt 1Dan Haidong Gumdo 
  • Yoga power and vinyasa Seville
  • become a flower.
  • Active Meditation
  • Classical Ballet immersion...
  • Yoga power and vinyasa. Seville

  • Artistic creative coordination and performer to "La mirada del poeta 2019" Teatre Clavé, Tordera. Bcn.
  • El pas de l´aigua. Artistic direction. School project Roureda.
  • Animal Flow. 4 direction, one point. LifExpression Butoh movement research. Canada-Spain.
  • Female ancestors project. The Chinese route. Ki dance, tea and wabisabi installation.
  • The water expression. Shibori Japan. 
  • Dentro de tres días. Creative project. Co-direction and performance. Majorca, with Saddhai teatro.
  • Yoga power and vinyasa. Seville.
  • The magnolia flower. Asian project. LifExpression butoh movement. Ki dance. Creative direction and dancer.
  • 8 directions. Taoki dance project. The origin of the conscious movement.
  • The artic map. Taoki dance project, and the medicine wheel, native in progress...
  • Entrebrancatges. Artistic direction. School project Roureda.
  • 200hrs Vinyasa Yoga Alliance, Oyoga Seville.

  • It´s time to go. LifExpression Butoh project. Japan
  • The Ki of Life. LifExpression butoh dance an Qi Gong project.
  • Female ancestors project. 4 direction maps.
  •  Dancer for the project Into the big blue, Seville.
  •  Dancer for the project "Liberated souls", Seville.
  • Artistic creative coordination to "La mirada del poeta 2017" Teatre Clavé, Tordera. Bcn.
  • Camí daigua. Artistic direction. School project. Roureda

  • El cuerpo primitivo. Working progress
  • The RedLantern. LifExpression butoh solo, Part4. White, Asia. Chinese memories. Female ancestors project.
  • To become a flower. South Korea. 
  • Butoh dance performances, autumn time Barcelona.

  • UO project. A lifExpression butoh and martial arts "Solo process investigation" created by Anika Burton.
  • Artistic Direction and Co-direction, "Oh! Qué bonito es Panamá". Cia Hirondela, Barcelona.
  • Artistic creative coordination to "La mirada del poeta 2015" Teatre Clavé, Tordera.
  • Butoh dance performances, spring time Barcelona.
  • LifExpression Butoh Solo “Hakuchuumu”, music: Andrea Peiron, Teatre Clavé. Bcn
  • LifExpression Butoh Solo, “Hakuchuumu 4” Seville.
  • INSDA project. "A woman in life", choreographic direction, set up and interpretation with Tove-Elena Nicolaisen. Spain-Norway production. 
  • Performances for Crotonix Performance company (Norway). SCHA: ¿How do you want to be remembered when you are gone?. Barcelona 
  • In a Water drop... LifExpression butoh solo performance at Teatre Clavé. Tordera. Barcelona.
  • INSDA project. "A woman in life", residence and performance, work in progress at R.E.D, Eina, Norway.

  • Performance live project, "Puro Kokoro". Tokyo
  • Butoh Magazine project. Barcelona
  • Akai-it solo LifExpression butoh dance. Barcelona

  • Urban Interventions Butoh dance in Barcelona, creation and interpretation.BCN.
  • LifExpression butoh dance “solo”, for a performance based on “a cyborg in Tokyo! In Barcelona. 
  • Butoh Performance "In a water drop", during the Barcelona en Butoh festival 2011. Original music: Enrique Galera.
  • LifExpression Butoh Performance based on the Anika Burton "from RedBook", showed during "El altre Clavé", Theatre Clavé, Tordera, Barcelona.
  • LifExpression butoh Performance based on the Anika Burton "from RedBook", to Khyma, Marc Pulido project. Terrassa. Barcelona
  • Choreographic direction, set up and interpretation for the butoh and flamenco performance "TRAPIO" with Begoña Castro and our 4deStar company, during the xv festival of Jerez. Music by Antonio Olías and Javier Navarro. 
  • Choreographic direction, set up and interpretation for the butoh performance "Bajo la piel del cordero". With Enrique Galera music. During  The Internatinal days of art in action. Galerie Weber-Lugten Seville.
  • Choreographic direction, set up and interpretation for the solo "In a water drop"work in progress, and training performance in Seville.
  • Urban Interventions Butoh dance in Seville, creation and interpretation.
  • Direction, creation, performance, with Begoña Castro for the show "Compartiendo recuerdos", in the experimental contemporary butoh dance and flamenco life dancing. With the experimental musicians Javier Olias Antonio Navarro. Group stage of presence "4deStar". Madrid.
  • the 2ºseason for show  “El sí, El no, Elsinore”, direction by Jessica Walker, Laboratorio Escuela, Barcelona.
  • Butoh dancer for the show “Carrusel Lunar” direction by Masaki Iwana, in The White Night, Madrid.
  • Set up and interpretation for the show  “El sí, El no, Elsinore”, direction by Jessica Walker, Laboratorio Escuela, Barcelona.
  • Choreographic direction, set up and interpretation for the Solo, “Jocker, The game of love”, Laboratorio Escuela, Barcelona.
  • Choreographic direction, set up and interpretation for the Solo, “Resurrección”, Butoh dance, Laboratorio Escuela, Barcelona.
  • Choreographic direction, set up and interpretation for the Art+butoh dance Project, "Traslation", Barcelona and Seville
  • Choreographic direction, set up and interpretation with Ariadna Ferrer for the show “The automata’s creator” to Swarovski, Bread & Butter, Barcelona.
  • Dancer and choreographer with Mar Medina and Laura Dorna in the contemporary dance Trio VOY”, presented in the Theatre Mercat de les Flors, in Barcelona.
  • Choreographic direction, set up  and interpretation for the Butoh dance project and video-art, “Transformation”, Seville.
  • Choreographer and interpretation with Ariadna Ferrer in the performance butoh d. “Silence”, BCN.

  • Choreographic direction, set up and dancer with Ariadna Ferrer, for Swarovski, in the Gangplank Gaudi autumn-winter 06, Barcelona.
  • Choreographic direction, and Dancer in the contemporary dance Solo "TAKE", presented in the Theatre Casa Elizalde, Barcelona.
  • Finalist in the second short performances Dansa + a prop, presented in the Theatre Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona.
  • Choreographic direction and dancer in the video-dance TAKE, Pelai de la Frontera production, Barcelona.

  • Choreographic direction and interpretation with Mar Medina for “ENSO”, contemporary dance duo, presented in the Theatre Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris, Barcelona, and night of dance in Sant Cugat, BCN.
  • Choreographic direction and dancer in the video-dance MAIKO, Pelai de la Frontera Production, Barcelona.

  • Choreographic direction, set up and presentation of ENSO”, contemporary dance duo with Mar Medina, Barcelona. 
  • Dancer in the show “En Jeu” ( signatures croisses). Direction Jacquie Taffanel, in the Company Taffanel, Perpignan, France.
  • Choreographer and dancer for “Hip-hop5”, educational project, presented in Barcelona and San Cugat.
  • Interpretation in the performance “Alter-Ego”. Colectivo KAM, Barcelona.

  • Choreographer, set up supporter and dancer for Festival Barcelona 2002, in the Olympic Stadium of Montjuïc , Barcelonan.
  • Set up and presentation of the performance Social Act-tack” with Mar Medina, for the BAC 02, CCCB, Barcelona.
  • Dancer in the international day of dance in Donosti, Spain.

  • Dancer with the Roseland company, in the closure ceremony in the polices & firemen Olympics games in Indianapolis, USA.
  • Choreographic direction and interpretation in samples of short pieces for the contemporary dance Festival, San Cugat, Barcelona.

1997 / 2000
  • Dancer with the Urdang Academy, (Classical Repertory) London.
  • Dancer with The Russian Ballet society in summer Festivals, Edinburgh.
